Friday, 25 July 2008


In the last few weeks I have received many emails from those you who have been reading my blogs. I have also been asked by teachers, mothers and others who I sell chocolates to, which chocolates, or more precisely which Indonesian chocolates, should they buy to get the benefits I have written about in my blogs.

The delay in replying is obviously because I had to talk to experts. Nutritionists, doctors, universities here and abroad to get some valid answers.

No Indonesian chocolate actually contain no polyphenols to provide an anti-oxidant effect or to be really good to lower your blood pressure or good for your heart or have beneficial effects on your blood pressure.Polyphenols in are rich in cocoa but are destroyed(not completely) during fermentation and by heat during cocoa processing.

Flavonoids also present in cocoa is lost during processing. Its benefits to memory and learning are non-existent in locally produced chocolate.

What is therefore of benefit in say Silver Queen,the most popular of all chocolate?
It is an important source of energy with its concentration of calories packaged in a small volume. Cocoa and chocolate are among the most concentrated vegetable energy suppliers.In fact it is probably true that a bar of Silver Queen will give more energy that a bottle of Extra-Joss.

Silver Queen like all good chocolates with its content of sugars and fats can produce a positive, soothing,"suntai" psychological effect while being enjoyed and for some time after. This is probably due to the presence of theombromine and caffeine(minimal).

Silver Queen, will also contain some insoluble dietary fiber which is important in providing a smooth passage of food through the intestines and keep their and stomach walls clean.

Milk chocolate and white chocolate will also contain calcium and proteins. Silver Queen will probably have about 3-4g of protein to 100g.

Silver Queen will also contain some amounts of vitamin A, B Complex, D and E(mostly in Black). But much less, less than 5% of the RDA of each. Minerals are also likely to be present in Silver Queen. Calcium, Copper, Iron, Phosphorus, Zinc and Magnesium, in small quantities.

Chocolate, according to hundreds of scientific studies, has no direct effect on obesity. It does not cause tooth decay or acne.

In the near future you will have chocolates from Mars Inc with Flavanols. Barry Callebaut have already introduced chocolate with polyphenols.Chocolates, with high content of cocoa and other beneficial ingredients are available from time to time at Sogo Food Hall.

Currently Indonesian chocolate manufacturers show very little interest in improving the nutritional profile of their chocolate. Recent launches of snack products show shocking disregard for nutrition.The focus is on taste and texture experiences which they feel cannot be compromised.

I sell chocolates face to face not from shelves and increasing I am asked if the chocolates I sell are indeed "good for you". The consumers of chocolate and chocolate snacks are demanding satiusfaction in health and balanced foods.

Manufacturers elsewhere are getting very serious about new recipes. Kraft has invested much in nanotechnology and molecular gastronomy which analyst the physiochemical laws to create new recipes.Since Kraft's investment in these sciences 15 universities have opened nanotechnology laboratories. The objective to create products that will identify with consumer needs. Manufacturers will soon have to work alongside with physicists and chemists.

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