Saturday, 3 January 2009


In some elite circles Compound Chocolate is rarely, if ever, mentioned.Among practical groups, it is chocolate. It is what they work with. During the holiday season we saw lots and lots of compound chocolate being used for confectionery, baking, snacks, beverages and innovations.

The reasons for using compounds are several. First it is easy and quick to prepare for use. It is great for meeting large volume orders. Second it is cheaper that couverture which means the price to the consumer can be kept, "reasonable." Thirdly we found that the average festive consumers enjoyed them their chocolate, joyously.

Though we found that compound lacked the shine of courverture we were able to give every product we made a rich and "chocolate intense" appearance. To vary tastes, we got different quality brands and mixed them in various proportions and developed some very interesting variances. We used it for toppings, fillings, rum balls, liqueur chocolates,and as thick spreads, which gave a crunchy bite, between chocolate cake layers. We tried wine infusions and though we had some experts advising, they didn't quite work out.

Under the category of innovations we found that compound chocolate readily accepted spices like cardamon, chili, cumin, peppers and salts. With grains of undissolved sugar and shavings of caramel they were very intriguing, delicious and delivered a great mouth experience.

It also turned out good with slightly over-roasted nuts, especially cashews, which we placed whole for better bite sensations. Walnuts were hard to get and expensive but sugared or salted or both they proved popular and were sell-outs. Marshmallows, very thinly coated worked well. The artists among us made snowflakes, stars and snowballs that glittered.

Under the present economic condition, home industries will work more with compounds. New comers will also find compound chocolate a good and profitable beginning.

And I wonder if you noticed that chocolate boutiques and hotel outlets have raised their chocolate and chocolate dessert prices or reduced the portions appreciably?

Chinese New Year is around the corner. For us it will be more innovations with friendly compounds.It is the Year of the Ox. Recommendations are to be patient, pragmatic, sensible, methodical and generous.

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